Some adult patients are reluctant to have a conventional orthodontic treatment as recommended. They feel that wearing awkward metal braces for a number of years is too high a price to pay for straight teeth. They want immediate results to correct misalignment of their overcrowded front teeth and other conditions such as protrusion. Some patients want to close the gaps in between their teeth, recontour poorly shaped teeth, or correct their open bites or cross bites. Fortunately, our Orange County and Los Angeles area practice offers porcelain dental veneers, which can treat all of the above conditions in as little as two dental appointments.
Instant orthodontics
with porcelain dental veneers
provides patients with the option of immediately improving the appearance of chipped, stained, and crooked teeth. The final result creates a great deal of happiness and satisfaction to them. View the before and after photos featured below of patients who have had porcelain veneers placed.